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Establishing levels of teachers’ democratic pedagogy : a curriculum praxis spectrum


The notion of democratic pedagogy in the classroom can apply very generally to a broad range of subjects with a variety of objectives across the knowledge-theory-praxis spectrum. It is imperative to take cognisance of the fact that it does not apply exclusively to subjects with a more philosophical focus. Everyone in the classroom, on both sides of the podium, arrives with a position. They challenge one another from, and to move from, that position. In a democratic classroom, positions matter because they are grounded in one’s identity. This study investigated the levels of democratization of teaching and learning of Religious Education curriculum in Southern African Schools. This was provided by teachers from various secondary schools. Fowler’s Theory of Faith Development underpinned the study. Data was collected through the use of a questionnaire and analysis of an observation guide on classroom democratic performance. It evolved from the key themes that secondary school teachers have a good knowledge of democratic pedagogy. Teachers have explained many instances where they have made learners over-dependent on them by use of teacher-centered methods instead of learner centered. It was observed that the given ten areas for the facilitation of named democratic processes were accomplished haphazardly.

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